
Biznes is like We let you make the right decisions!

Comprehensive business consulting is one of our main areas.

PRESTIGE CONSULTING provides services primarily for Polish and Irish companies, but also internationally.
The best recommendations are satisfied customers from whom we have received testimonials.

We offer the following business consulting services:

The aim of a development strategy is to focus company’s efforts on the management board’s vision. A vision is the desired image of the company in the future. Developing a strategy requires an individual approach to each company and several stages:

Business plan / feasibility study: the objective is to analyse the opportunities and threats that an organisation has to face. A well-prepared business plan is used to manage the company, its investments and development.

Company valuation: The aim of valuation is to determine the real value of a company, which reflects the value of assets and the company in the form of a business model. The value of a company depends on its ability to generate revenue, not only on the value of its assets. We use three methods when making a valuation:

  • Accounting method.
  • Discounted cash flow method.
  • Comparative method (for companies valued in the past, from the same industry)
  • Mixed models.

Business process mapping, which aims to:

  • Analyse individual work positions.
  • Map interactions between departments and work positions.
  • Design functional and organisational dependencies between work positions.
  • Each process within the company affects the quality, cost and implementation time of what it offers. Specification of critical processes affecting a business’s competitiveness. Specification of decision-making processes.
  • Creating standards of implementation of the most important processes affecting competitiveness.
  • Designing new, as yet unformed processes that influence effectiveness of strategic development, improve relationships with customers and increase involvement of suppliers in the company’s
  • Define productivity measures.

Finally, the work done can be used to:

  • Implement an IT system, for example enterprise resource planning (ERP)
  • Implement a quality management system, for example ISSO
  • Increase efficiency and build competitive advantage.

Strategic market analysis – see Research and entry into markets

The objective is an assessment of the company’s financial condition in order for the management and supervisory board to make decisions.

A good advisor is like a map leading you to your destination.

What do consultants or advisors do? Advisors – having an external perspective – help to find the weak links and improve the efficiency of processes in an effort to optimise the way a company operates. By doing so, they assist in achieving measurable financial results.